Vessel - oil on linen by Anne Belov

Vessel 300r
Vessel 300r
sold out

Vessel - oil on linen by Anne Belov


20”h x 24”w Hand finished frame 30”h x 34”w x 2”d

Click image to enlarge.

Anne’s Comment:
Even in public, utilitarian spaces, Italy feels like it’s been arranged by a set designer. Is it deliberate, or is there so much beauty spilling over everywhere, in every small town or big city, that they can’t help but fling bits of visual poetry everywhere you look? There are unattractive towns and places within the cities that are not beautiful, but as a whole, Italy’s façade radiates beauty. Is there a purpose for that vessel at the end of the corridor, or is it just there to hold our dreams, to live with beauty?

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