Story 37: Sandy Disappears - mixed media by Sara Saltee
Story 37: Sandy Disappears - mixed media by Sara Saltee
23”h x 16.5”w x 6”d
Click image to enlarge.
Who is Sandy? Where did she disappear to? What were the first 36 stories about? Mysteries abound.
About the Piece: This deliberately mysterious assemblage is built into a reclaimed kitchen drawer. The leaf patterns on the back are actually carved into the layers of contact paper that had accumulated over time in whatever kitchen this was once part of. The carved-out leaves were then painted green and scattered across the bottom of the piece - I liked the sense that the space itself was disintegrating even as the central doll/angel figure is undergoing her metamorphosis. In my mind, the story is one of transformation - one day the character stepped out of her little shoes, stepped into the silver pod/chamber, and emerged with wings and a readiness to ascend. The metamorphosis could be read as a death, or simply as a disappearance of an old version of self and re-birth in new form.
Materials: kitchen drawer; plastic doll body; altered angel wings; wire; butterfly images; broken Christmas ornament; doll shoes; assorted papers; leaves carved out of the layers of contact paper original to the drawer and painted; text “Story 37: Sandy Disappears” from vintage children’s book (full disclosure - in that book Sandy was a hamster who had gotten loose. As you can see, I did not stick with the original narrative.)